MILESAGO - Performance - Tours by International Acts


Compiled by Alan Harvey

Tour Details

Tour name:


Daddy Cool
Barry McAskill
No Sweat

Dates, Cities, Venues:

20.1.72 - Adelaide - Anoxia Park

21.1.72 - Melbourne - Festival Hall

22.1.72 - Brisbane - Festival Hall

23.1.72 - Sydney - RAS Showground



Tour Notes from Go-Set

"Mungo Jerry's performance both in Sydney and Melbourne differed little in both instances: in both cities they were boozed. The Sydney concert was something of a disaster attendance wise. The crowd finally crept up around 2000 at the Sydney Showground. The weather kept many away and made it pretty miserable for those who attended. The sound system was appalling. By the time Edison Lighthouse were ready to play after Barry McAskill, Caboose and No Sweat nobody was really interested. The delays had been too much. More delays, then Daddy Cool. A miserable downpour came right on cue with their first note. But DC fans were out in force and there was some merry dancing in the deluge."

After discussing some management problems with DC being on the show and the dreaded Melbourne/Sydney rivalry, the reviewer continued, "DC were loved at the Sydney Showgrounds regardless. Mungo Jerry appeared after them; an interesting lack of percussion was made up by their stage presence. They finished up nearly ripping each other apart on stage. More importantly they really won the audience despite or perhaps because of all the on stage boozing!"

- Stephen MacLean & Steve Phillips, Go-Set, 5 February 1972

More information? Were you there? Email MILESAGO to add your contribution. 

References / Links

Go-Set 5 February 1972


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